One Guitarist, One Chick Drummer, a Fender guitar, and a Bunny named Jackson.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Management

We have a demanding management team. They demand that we work hard. They demand that we rehearse relentlessly. They demand productivity. And most importantly, they demand unrelentingly for liver treats.

Yes. This is the management team. Ben (left) handles security, promotions, and distribution. Rosie (right) handles strategy, public relations, and bookings. Both are so respected by SPiL that due homage was paid in song. Rosie is the subject of the song with the same name on Short Punks’ first CD, and Ben was honored in a short, instrumental piece on the second CD.

The production facility which produced all of the SPiL’s first CD, and half of the songs on the second CD, Good All Over, was named also named for them: Litterbox Productions. Litterbox is located in the spare bedroom of our apartment, and houses not just the recording equipment but also the catboxes, the food, and the odd stuffed mouse toy.

We wanted to take a moment to honor Ben and Rosie because without them there would be no Short Punks in Love.

Ben, Rosie – we salute you!


wampahoofus said...

i never thought of the legless lizard with no tail as an odd mouse toy, but now that you mention it, seeing a cat joyfully bat at a green stump with an elongated head makes me think....
and is the management flexing for the fans or eyeing them with great disdain and indifference (only cats can manage those two looks at the same time)?

Chick Drummer said...

This is the weekly strategy meaning held every Tuesday at 11 AM. Usually timed to meet the Nanny parade which walks by our building at the same time. We know because we can hear high pitched female voices outside: "Oh look at the kit-ties! See the kit-ties!" We discovered recently that the Management has developed their own fan following, including a couple of dogs.