One Guitarist, One Chick Drummer, a Fender guitar, and a Bunny named Jackson.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Short Punks: The Latest Review

In the recent issue of Roctober, Brian found this short notice about our first CD.

Short Punks in Love. Moody indie with a nice balance of resonant guitar and spare percussion. Far less cutesy than the band name, but just as romantic (actually, more so).

Thanks to Jake Austin for the notice -- it's nice to be noticed. Meanwhile, if you still haven't heard our debut CD, then send us an e-mail at with your mailing address and we'll send you one for FREE!


wampahoofus said...

most excellent, but if anyone even entertains the merest thought that you are cutesy, will you go over to them, scream a steady stream a profanity, both loud and and hard, use the term "bollocks" in there somewhere, then do something destructive and ill-mannered? i've been reading the series of punk articles in _spin_ from october of last year (not mine, a friend of mine lent it to me because of my interest and ignorance).
as an aside, do you plan to do any pedals for basses in the future? did you ever use them in your previous bands? i don't even know if there are any, or if the bassist steal the guitarist's stuff (i amuse myself - here comes entwistle to pound on townshend, in the middle of his signature windmill, cuz he wants the goddamm effects). i don't know a thing about pedals. for that matter, i don't know a thing about playing bass. from what i gather, dee dee ramone didn't either, but he made out ok....
by the by, the 90's photo set me back a little. i thought to my self, "self, what is oliver platt doing on their blog page? and has he gained a little weight since this pic." then my self says, "you're stupid."

Anonymous said...

wampahoofus, there are many pedals which will transform your transform your bass into a snarling rhinoceros of unruly tone! By far the best of the many which are available is the HBE Hematoma:

What more needs to be said about it...the name says it all. HEMATOMA. Sounds like one of Mothra's allies. Get one and run your Martin through it!
Oliver Platt looks like a long-lost cousin. Maybe he's a little Lithuanian?